Tuesday, December 11, 2012

An arrest late this afternoon on Avenue A

Some readers passed along details of an arrest late this afternoon on Avenue A near St. Mark's Place... At first look, one reader thought that an SUV had clipped a man standing near the curb.

"Turns out to have been some sort of arrest/bust ... when we arrived on the scene, the young man was on the ground and not resisting. He was talking and yelling loudly but no apparent physical resistance to the slew of undercover cops who were subduing him ... [a] woman next to me yelled to the young man not to resist because 'they will hurt you.'"


"Toward the end of the encounter, a youngish guy approached one of the undercover detectives with what looked to be a very large wad of cash, of which another undercover detective took possession."


  1. it seems fairly apparent that we have a race-based police and civilian enforcement issue in our neighborhood, in our town and in our country. we are all suspicious when we see young black men being arrested and imprisoned at rates that are at a multiple versus other demographics and we should all photograph and document what we see without fear of retribution. and then of course there are the rape cop convictions here in our own neighborhood which don't exactly inspire confidence in our local precinct police force in the least. so the cops should all be ashamed of their own colleagues' behavior and stave off from threatening our residents for exercising our own civil rights.

  2. @ anonymous How do you know his race?

  3. Way to go with a knee-jerk reaction (and a simplistic one at that...but that's typical of knee-jerk reactions). You seem to be against lumping a group of people together unless, of course, you're lumping all cops together. Anyway...

  4. approached one of the undercover detectives with what looked to be a very large wad of cash, of which another undercover detective took possession.

    “Frank, we wash our own laundry here!”

  5. @ Crazy Eddie: and Frank replied,"The reality is that we do not wash our own laundry- it jst gets dirtier.


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