Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Get your Lucky Beggar Wallet!

[Image via Curbed]


Per Jezebel this afternoon:

Ah, yes, the "iconic," "quirky" poverty of the New York City streets! Imagine having a wallet that conjures all the romance of sleeping on sidewalks in a city where an unprecedented number of people are now without a roof over their heads.

H/T Curbed.


  1. Wow that is so insensitive and callous and flippant its not even funny. It's a goddamn parody of its self.

  2. What idiot copywriter came up with that crap? Someone from LA, perhaps? Meh.

    Buy this instead, as it is not intended to evoke poverty-stricken new yorkers. Just make you think of a hot cuppa joe. In NYC.


  3. It is also sold on Amazon.com and other sites.

  4. That is old. It's been out for years and years.

  5. This is the ultimate regift.

  6. Yes Trixie,
    I remember this from around 2002. It was sold at that cute little gift shop on the east side of Greenwich Avenue. South a block or two from Fiddlesticks, same side of avenue.

  7. I have an iconic gift for you...now I lost my train of thought.

  8. Thank you for your feedback.

    Our President and Chief Merchant, Marta Calle, would like us to let you know that we made a bad decision when we purchased this product. We apologize for the product and the insensitive language used in its description. We have pulled the product from our stores and our website. Please accept our apologies for this lapse in judgment.


    Customer Service

  9. For real @CB2? You've got to be kidding me. That wallet is a clever piece of Pop Art, not a slam against the homeless. Taking it down from your site because of a few negative comments here is ridiculous. Clean up your ad copy and you'll be fine.


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