Friday, December 14, 2012

Has anyone taken advantage of this 'great news' at the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office?

We all know how much fun it is going to the Peter Stuyvesant Post Office on East 14th Street. (A reminder here and here.) Has anyone done the Sunday pick-up service this month?


  1. attempted package? where does one pick-up a certain package?

  2. Dibs on Attempted Package for my next band name!

  3. I rent a PO Box uptown just so i don't have to deal with this place. Sad to say.

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenDecember 14, 2012 at 11:50 AM

    I work at home. Our USPS guy always buzzes, gets a signature and leaves the package with us. UPS and Fedex just throw the package at our door without even bothering to ring the doorbell. Always. And this time of year, UPS and Fedex packages go missing all the time. Last Xmas season, the girls next door found empty boxes that had contained their leather jackets in the stairwell.

    That said, any business with Peter Stuy PO is always long and unpleasant. I have called my congressperson about it.

  5. "Attempted Package" those guys can really shred!
    : )

  6. My package attempted a lot this year. I got "return to sender" often.

  7. I use My Little Village Postal to avoid going to this station.

  8. The only "great news" I want to hear coming out of the hell-hole is that they are closing down, and mail delivery for our area will be handled by a REAL post office, like Cooper Square or 3rd Street.

  9. Fuck this place. When my regular mail man is on vacation the fill in people don't even BOTHER ringing my bell when I have a package. Numerous times this year I've had to go and collect packages in that disgusting, germ infested hell hole because the mail man didnt feel like riding the elevator up two floors to ring my bell. The sooner they close the building and demolish it, the sooner we could put something more useful there like AN EMPTY LOT!

  10. The addendum at the bottom says: "Note: There is no guarantee your package will be there. Not responsible for lost, stolen, ripped apart or set on fire packages."

  11. "Attempted Package" is a new code for erectile dysfunction.

    Pity the guys on that line.

  12. Is Asser Levy Rec Center and Pool closing? Can anyone find out the real story? They "have been working on a boiler problem" for close to 2 mos now and no sign of opening up again!

  13. Ken from Ken's KitchenDecember 15, 2012 at 10:45 AM

    Asser Levy was pretty much under water for awhile after Hurricane Sandy. It could be awhile before it's back.


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