Thursday, January 17, 2013

Breaking: Kmart reminds us of the drunken revelry to come in two months

Two months out from St. Patrick's Day, and Kmart on Astor Place is ready for the action with this nifty display of cliches... noted, warily, by EVG regular William Klayer...


  1. Yes! I'm ready, you beautiful drunken bastards...

  2. Faith an' begorrah, already?

  3. Sunday March 17, 2013.

  4. St Patricks Day is like Groundhog Day for the NYPD. They see their shadow in the morning and hide for the day! Can't wait!!!

  5. As I have previously commented, the major collateral damage used to be limited to midtown and some Irish bars on Third Ave in Gramercy . And at least it had some Shanty Irish (takes one to know one) working class cred. Not anymore. Like Halloween, it’s been hijacked by the Tribe of Woo. Because the 3/17 date is Sunday, the parade will be on Saturday, like it was last year. Which was a real horror show.

  6. santa con in green
    and they have two days to party

  7. Typical K-Mart. Nobody's there. And in the background is a display of 4000 plastic buckets - maybe for use on St. Patricks Day, but more likely because the store is so close to bankruptcy they can't afford any other inventory.

  8. john
    those buckets are a public service provided by k-mart for all those hip green drunks to puke in.
    i sure hope they use them.

  9. You know ... when I was a youngin, I got good and wasted on St. Paddy's too. HOWEVER.

    1) I am 100% Irish on me mom's side (she is 1st gen American)
    2) I went to a freaking Catholic college
    3) We went to Hoboken or South Orange or Belmar to act like foolios post-parade! (I feel this distinction is important -- we participated in the parade-watching like good celebrants; we didn't just get randomly tanked on whatever Saturday was closest to the 17th)

    Now, I know, "everyone is Irish on St. Patrick's Day," blah blah, but honestly, almost none of the new-jack revelers even gives an eff about the Irish, any more than they care about Mexicans on Cinco de Mayo. It's just yet another excuse to act the fool en masse in public, wearing stupid shit.

    Finally, fun fact: St. Patrick's Day in Ireland? Is a holy day.

    Whew, sorry for the rant but I guess that'll hold me until April.

  10. oh and because I am a bubblehead I completely missed Crazy Eddie's comment which made my point with approximately 500 fewer words (hat tip, CD)

  11. The puke buckets should come with a string so they can strap it around their necks when the time comes.


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