Friday, January 11, 2013

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

[Avenue A/Tompkins Square Park in the early morning yesterday]

Hundreds turned out yesterday to mourn Raphael Ward, the teen murdered last Friday on the Lower East Side (DNAinfo)

Reminiscence moving back to 13th and Fifth Ave. (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

As promised, Tiengarden closes for revamp (BoweryBoogie)

Sperone Westwater sues over Ian Schrager's plan to build a bigass new hotel on the Bowery (New York Post)

Some Limelight history (Flaming Pablum)

No decision yet about the new restaurant-bar at 106 Rivington (The Lo-Down)

About the alleged Washington Square bomb plotter (Gothamist)

Information for property owners of landmarked buildings (Off the Grid)

Karate Boogaloo always has good stuff here (Stupefaction)

... and via the EVG inbox...

Guided Tours of East Village Gardens, Historic Sites Open to Public Beginning Saturday, January 12, 3 PM

As part of its mission to preserve and promote scholarship of the history of urban grassroots activism in the East Village, the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) is offering weekly tours of community gardens and historic tenements. The tours last approximately two hours covering locations east to Avenue D, west to Avenue A; north and south, Fourteenth and Houston Streets, respectively. Each Saturday the tour will begin at MoRUS, 155 Avenue C between Ninth and Tenth Streets at 3 PM.

Check out the MoRUS website for more information ... and there are a few days left in their crowdsourcing campaign to restore their Sandy-damaged space.

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