Wednesday, January 16, 2013

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[This morning on 14th and First]

Concert in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. this Sunday at St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bowery (Off the Grid)

Large rent hike could KO Bleecker Street Records (DNAinfo)

The latest on the demoliton-redevelopment of Beth Hamedrash Hagadol, a New York City landmark on the LES since 1967 (The Lo-Down)

Malai Marke opens on East Sixth Street (Zagat)

Video interview with Father Pat (GammaBlog)

Pondering the forces of the Death Star (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

The origins of Ludlow Street (BoweryBoogie)

Is the city's oldest row house on the Bowery in Chinatown? (Ephemeral New York)

All the Chinese restaurants in New York look the same in movies (Scouting NY)

The South Bronx in the 1980s (Gothamist)


  1. I thought Michael Bloomberg had made it illegal, like so many other things, to Pap Ya Dog?

  2. Pap-ya -- newest offshoot of Curry-Ya and Soba-Ya?

  3. What? Pap smear and a dog?

  4. yes. everyone please give your dog a pap smear. thank you

  5. What about the beautiful synagogue whose leadership wants to destroy a 160 year old building to turn condo? Disgusting and greedy liars-Probably let that lovely place go on purpose.


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