Friday, January 4, 2013

Hey Upper West Side – Eat It!

More rats my ass...

Dining on rat this afternoon in Tompkins Square Park... photos by Bobby Williams...


  1. Cool shots, Bobby! Love that last one!

  2. @ Marty- Yeah the last one! "WTF you lookin' at?"

  3. :-) what's with the tiffany blue feathers? didja ran out of white pixels? :-)


  4. check out the left leg - that RTHawk is banded! it would be very cool to find out its real identity! BW, can you read any info of the band?


  5. i-)
    the band has been registered with the government banding program but as to yet there is no follow up info coming back to us. As for knowing who the bird really is well …


  6. > As for knowing who the bird
    > really is well …

    :-) i'm calling it 'tiffany' (or 'tif', if it's a guy hawk), for the blue color! :-)

    please do let us know if you get any responses as to where / when the tag was applied.



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