Monday, January 7, 2013


Via Grub Street, we learn about a self-professed "Starbucks-addict" who is going to visit every Starbucks in Manhattan in 2013. And blog about it here.

Per his blog's About section: "It is my theory that Starbucks can serve as a guide to the neighborhoods of Manhattan, with each store a reflection of its surroundings."


  1. about going to all the local coffee shops instead and promoting local business? I've never been inside a Starbucks, but aren't they all pretty much the same? This guy's just trying to get attention, like that clown that went to 365 bars in 365 days!

  2. This blog will soon follow, "It is my theory that Seven Elevens can serve as a guide to the neighborhoods of Manhattan, with each store a reflection of its surroundings."

    John McCourt. He moved here in late 2012. So typical of the new demo we have now in the city. They are not B&T, they live here. In fact, at least the true B&T crowd (see Christopher Moltisanti) have some urban cred. As relentlessly profiled by this blog and Jeremiah’s, this demo does not want to become New Yawkers, they want New York to become a strip mall. Somebody should make a spoof of World War Z using these creatures.

  3. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.January 7, 2013 at 4:08 PM

    Another attention-starved, 'look at me' millennial.

  4. Bullshit, I recently got dragged into the Starbucks on 1st and 17th (my gf has a weakness for their eggnog drink) and my first thought was Whoa, this store takes me right back to the last Starbucks I was. That store was in the town of Kittery, Maine. As far as blog ideas go it's hard to think of a more tedious concept. It's like Marty's epic bar crawl minus the fun, variety, unpredictability, charm, etc.

  5. fyi, not all starbucks are alike. there were 2 in boston on the same avenue about 5 long blocks apart. one was a small corner place w/like 4 small tables, & a few stools facing the large window out to the street. nothing special. the other was huge, w/beautiful wooded furnture, tables & chairs. i am not a starbucks person, & only had coffee 2 xs @the corner place. also starbucks are in airports (better coffee than the fast food places), & malls. its a world wide thing. at least the starbucks in the photo shown is brick. thats more than youl will see from a 7/11. & the logo is not bad, it has some organic green.

  6. Starbucks eschews local ingredients in favor of identical fare in each location.

  7. At least that 365 Bar Clown went to 365 *different* bars!

  8. 1) Too bad the guy doesn't spend his time on something worthwhile.

    2) There are some beautiful Starbucks stores in the world, but none in Manhattan that I know of. And certainly none of the ones in/around the East Village. (Or "in East Village" as the HSBC bank would say)

  9. Unless he's going to write a blog about the disgusting Starbucks bathrooms with feces on the walls and web cams in the toilet I'm not reading.

  10. I can't stand Starbucks. Their shit always tastes burnt- & I'm a heavy smoker!

  11. Ken from Ken's KitchenJanuary 7, 2013 at 9:20 PM

    A year? Who cares. He's gotta learn to think big. How about in a day! Then he can write all about not being able to sleep, feeling incredibly anxious (is he having heartburn or a heart attack?!!) and his orange pee.

    Then on to Slurpees at 7-11, McRib sammies at McD, Sunrise Subway Melts, etc.

  12. this is beyond sad and dispiriting. why come to New York if all you want is the same boring bullshit you have at home?

  13. The evgrieve sensor hits again... Ok less judgmental...

    The "I want to live in new York cause I saw it on sex on the city" crowd are so predictable it blows my mind that once people came to new York with ideas. Now they come following a cookie cutter ideal that they can be an icon simply by going to Starbucks

  14. Check out the John Wesley Harding song and video:
    "There's a Starbucks(Where the Starbuck's Used To Be)"

  15. Used to be at one time young people in New York City wanted to actually create and maybe even successfully make an artistic statement of some kind. Now we have this bullshit. Going to every Starbucks in New York and blogging about it? That's the best you've got? Whatta tool.

    Yet another reason to get out of New York.

    Face it people, creative interesting individuals can't afford to live in New York City any longer, they're going to smaller more affordable places. New York is no longer a cool place, and people in their 20s are no longer cool people, that's for damn sure. There's no fight here or no us against them in this city. It's over. Pack your tents and call it a day. As soon as I can I'm getting the fuck out of here. It's not worth the aggravation anymore.

  16. Hope Starbucks in the EV reflects our neighborhood--empty.

  17. He's so new to New York that he hasn't made friends who could tell him that Starbucks isn't actually cool here like back home in Dallas.

  18. His theory is wrong. Someone tell him before he wastes a year of his life.

  19. "people in their 20s are no longer cool people, that's for damn sure"

    And no way could they have won World War II! Amirite?!?

  20. My prediction. He goes to two and by the time he hits the third he realizes that there is no story there. Either that or the observations are so banal that again there's no story. OMG, the starbucks on Wall St. was totes filled with banker types and the one in Grand Central was filled with commuters and tourists.

  21. Ditto Anon 10:22 PM.

  22. [Throws hands up in the air and starts screaming]

  23. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.January 8, 2013 at 11:57 AM

    @9:52 AM Only if tweets were a weapon.

  24. Goggla, you're killin' me!

    But seriously, this brings to mind the countless drips who post on, for example, chowhound: "What should I name my blog?" Really? If too lazy or stupid or dreary to come up with a name -- the FUN and EASY part of writing -- you're not worth reading. Why do the masses feel the need to expose their blandness?

  25. trying in vain to stem off the nausea induced by this-

  26. and trust me ther is NOTHING organic about starbucks.
    their products help destroy the planet and they create sh*t working conditions and unfair wages for the producers.
    a blight on the planet that makes a LOT of money for a very small and elite group of owners and shareholders.
    sip and that when you order your next (insipid) latte.

  27. THE NOTORIOUS L.I.B.E.R.A.T.I.O.N.January 9, 2013 at 7:56 PM

    It looks like this tool is going to have some blog competition. There's a post on Gawker today about another person suffering from look-at-me syndrome who is only eating food purchased from Starbucks for a year. It goes without saying she's blogging about it.


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