Friday, January 4, 2013

See a little of the 1970s-1980s East Village tonight on Turner Classic Movies

Thanks to EVG Facebook friend Steven for pointing out the late-night (early-morning) schedule at Turner Classic Movies...

The cable channel is showing two films from No Wave cinema pioneer Amos Poe... "The Foreigner" from 1978 at 2 a.m. and "Alphabet City" from 1984 at 3:45 a.m. ... both filmed in and around these parts.

Alex wrote about "The Foreigner" a few years back at Flaming Pablum.

Here's a scene featuring Debbie Harry...

Then there's a Hollywoodized "Alphabet City."

Here's the plot cut-and-pasted from Wikipedia:

The film takes place entirely in one evening, with the time being indicated chronologically on the clock in Johnny's Trans Am. Early in the evening Johnny meets with his friend Lippy, an eccentric cocaine dealer played by Michael Winslow. They discuss the planned burning of an apartment building, called for by the mob. As their discussion progresses, it becomes clear that it is Johnny who must carry out the burning of the building before the night is over, and moreover, his mother and sister live in the targeted building. This request from the Mob pushes Johnny to plan a split from the Mob, which proves difficult...

Hmm. Did I mention that lead Vincent Spano wears studded ankle bracelets?

I wrote this about it five years ago:

I wanted to like the movie more than I did. It's definitely worth watching for many reasons, such as seeing a hammy Jami Gertz play a high-priced teen hooker.

And here's the trailer ...

And you should also quickly realize if you are watching the correct movie called "The Foreigner."


  1. Oooohhhhh- Alphabet CIty is rough. Yes- the Jami Gertz is worth a college try, but try as we might- we couldn't finish it. Yowza.

  2. "If you're not on the way up, you're on the way out." Hmmm - foreshadowing

  3. It's been streaming on netflixs for a while know... Plus, who these days wastes their money on cable tv???

  4. dang! that was last night?!? it's not in the listings for tonight (saturday)


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