Thursday, January 17, 2013

What a lot of 'foot traffic' will cost you on Third Avenue and St. Mark's Place

We previously reported that workers quickly moved out of the short-lived Little Italy Pizza joint at 23 Third Ave. at St. Mark's Place.

For rent signs went up, though we didn't see the listing online...

However, a listing is now posted at NYCRS:

As you can see, the asking rent is $11,000 per month (plus $275k in key money) for the 900-square-foot space. You'd think this place could/would be a goldmine — especially with you know what with all those new office workers popping up directly across Third Avenue.

Any thoughts on what you'd like to see here? (Other than my dream zine/egg shop)?


  1. Tell us more about this zine/egg shop...

  2. The format of the flyer really bothers me, they don't need to have line spaces within the dot points.

  3. @ Dennis

    Ah! Glad that you're intrigued! (Or horrified?) Either way!

    Well, it's a little early to unveil the FINAL plans. Still working out some kinks involving dual refrigeration and displaying zines in minimalist, modernist style.

    Or I scrap it and just go the used cassette tape shop route. Buy, sell and trade.

  4. Interesting how the real estate photo is just a little distorted, stretched wide by maybe 10%, to make it look like a larger property. Jerks.

  5. A little back-of-the-envelope math says between rent and a hired staff of 4 you need to clear $100/hour just to break even. (With the shop open 12 hours/day).

    Good luck.

  6. Maybe they an work in the mix tape dude who used to be right there. But I doubt it!

  7. Artisanal porn AND $1 slices! Yessir!

  8. A vinyl record store, with the DJ sitting out front again blasting music out at the Death Star / Tombstone / Monolith. Only this time it should be punk.

    - East Villager

  9. I'm with anon 1:11.
    Alternately, used music/clothes store (like all the ones we USED to have in this area!!!)

  10. Ken from Ken's KitchenJanuary 17, 2013 at 2:49 PM

    A Scotch Tape Boutique. People in big glass offices go through it by the yard.

  11. @ 11,900 a month I think a pizza joint will make money there...if they sell coke or smack along with it.

    Bobby L


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