Saturday, January 12, 2013

When you chain your bike to itself on Avenue C

What do we have here on Avenue C between East Seventh Street and East Eighth Street? Well, for some reason, a cyclist locked his/her bike to itself... instead if to something else, which would make it more difficult for someone to steal...

... and a few helpful neighbors left friendly notes offering some advice/warning...

Reads one: "Dumb ass. I could have stole this if I had a car."

Many thanks to EVG reader Kyle for the headline and photos via Twitter.


  1. Fortunately it's a piece of shit and not worth the effort. Oh you could've stole it if you had a car? That's a very big "if" now.

  2. A true civilization would not require locks.

    - East Villager

  3. Eh. I'll chain my wheel to the frame if I'm just running in some place for a second and I just need to make it a giant pain in the ass for anyone without a van to steal the thing. And yes, a junker that's been rendered annoying to steal is probably not going to be stolen, though who knows -- there are crews that go around with vans and stack 'em up.

  4. You are referring to a utopia not a civilization. In a civilization people are human and flawed. Therefore, there are thieves, liars, rapists, murders etcetera. In a utopia everything is perfect but, that is not attainable in reality.

  5. @ Anon 2:04- Hopefully it would've been a Prius!


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