Saturday, February 9, 2013

And now, photos of snow for people who like photos of snow

If you tuned into The Weather Channel (or any media outlet) the last 72 hours, then you probably knew that we were going to buried alive by the worst blizzard ever, oh save us Jim Cantore! some snow was expected in the area.

It did snow. Maybe what, 6 or 8 inches? Here are some random photos of that from this morning.


  1. Didn't know the Village Voice keeps the snow fresh in red bins throughout the city.

  2. EV Grieve always good for a few pictures to promote the stupid penis drawings. Time for some new content.

  3. @Anon 9:18
    In Grieve's defense, someone drew that penis after the picture was posted.

  4. Lighten up, 9:18. Don't Yuck our Yums!

    Although.. I'm not exactly sure "yum" was quite the appropriate word to use in this context!


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