Thursday, February 14, 2013

If you could turn back time: Spend your Valentine's night with Cher, sort of

From the EV Grieve inbox...

Many years ago, Reverend Jen had an epiphany: She didn't know or care who St. Valentine was. Not only that, she cared even less about Valentine's Day. Her solution: Name the holiday after someone she and others recognize and love. For some inexplicable reason, Cher came to mind and Valentine's Day quickly became "Cher Day." On Cher Day, celebrants are encouraged to listen to Cher's music, watch Cher films and dress as Cher (or as one of her loves.).

What could be more fun than Cher Day? How 'bout a Cher Day that falls on a Thursday when Rev. Jen hosts her open mic, The Anti-Slam! As a result, Rev. is throwing a very special Cher Day Valentine extravaganza!

Along with the regular open mic, there will plenty of crazy fun bonus activities including an "Art Star Dating Game" and a raffle (benefiting Waggytail Rescue) where guests can win special prizes like vibrators (who needs a significant other?) and gently worn "elf panties." Guests, are of course, encouraged to dress as Cher, reenact her films or simply be groovy and fabulous!

Starts at 7:30 at the Pyramid, 101 Avenue A. Here is the Facebook events page with more info.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Reverend Jen's Anti-Slam is back; starts tonight at the Pyramid


  1. meanwhile, the REAL holiday is in rockaway tomorrow..... lol

  2. I recommend watching "Chastity" if you can find it.


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