Friday, February 8, 2013

The Hetal Convenience Store is now... 1 Eleven


The Hetal Convenience Store on First Avenue just south of East Seventh Street closed back in December... workers remodeled the storefront... and it recently reopened... then a new awning arrived the other day...

1 Eleven?! Kinda sounds like the name of some other convenience store, of course. The name is a play off its address, 111 First Ave.


  1. I live across the street and have been in a couple of times to support a new local business - the guys who work in there are really sweet and working hard to get their business up and running.

  2. '1 eleven'

    That is freakin brilliant. I think all the stores should do that. We should have 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 eleven also. A 10 eleven and an 11 eleven as well.

  3. Mwahaha! Awesome!

    I love these guys, too. They're always good to me and I'm glad to see them return.

  4. Need Polish Magazines, newspapers or calling cards, this is your place. Go and check it out.

  5. they have everything out there. from news papers to coffee, call cards, chargers etc. very convenient i must say..


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