The No 7-Eleveneers were at it again last night ...

... expanding their protest beyond the construction site at the corner of East 11th Street and Avenue A to the 7-Eleven at St. Mark's Place ...

...where a security guard sought to dissolve the protest with some water, creating the first piece of "No 7-Eleven" drip-art.

The 7-11 on St Marks requires a security guard? According to Payscale, the average pay for an unarmed security guard is $9.02 to $12.00 per hour.
can someone explain the issue with 711 moving to the area, but chain grocery stores/restaurants are not an issue?
Why No 7-Eleven?
7-Eleven serves no need in the community.
The 7-Eleven chain and franchises do not offer anything to the neighborhood we don’t already have. There are three bodegas within a block’s distance of the new 7-Eleven, a fourth bodega one avenue to the east and a fifth bodega one avenue to the west. There are 17 bodegas in our 10003 zip code and 25 bodegas in the neighboring 10009 zip code. There is no need for 7-Eleven here!
7-Eleven is invading the East Village and NYC as part of their aggressive expansion strategy.
There are currently 32 7-Elevens in Manhattan with an additional 100 locations planned to open in Manhattan by 2017. 7-Eleven has 7,550 stores in the United States and more outlets than any retailer in the world with 48,000 locations worldwide.
7-Eleven will damage the local economy.
7-Eleven seeks to undermine the free market and damage the local economy by over-saturating our neighborhood in order to choke out local convenience stores, bodegas and delis. They want to convert existing bodegas into 7-Eleven franchises, making those franchises beholden to 7-Eleven’s corporate products and policies, eventually limiting our food choices. 7-Eleven is a self-serve chain store, providing minimal labor per storefront and reducing the number of available jobs in the neighborhood.
7-Eleven is hypocritical when it comes to ‘healthy options.’
7-Eleven says they will offer fresh foods and healthy options but are not subject to the same restrictions as existing delis and bodegas – health inspections, displaying calorie counts, sanitary ratings. Amazingly, 7-Eleven is exempt from Bloomberg’s ban on sodas over 16oz and will sell oversized Big Gulps and Slurpees, giving them an unfair advantage over local businesses.
7-Eleven does not fit in with the East Village.
7-Eleven compromises the character, culture and authenticity of our community by attempting to homogenize the neighborhood.
Happy to answer your question "Fashion By He" but first, can you answer a few of mine?
1. Which grocery store is opening 100 locations in Manhattan?
2. Which grocery store is opening within ONE block of THREE other grocery stores?
3. Which chain restaurant is opening on Avenue A?
Thank you!
7-11 is just gross, nuff said.
Not the best thing 7-11, but I suppose it beats Peels.
Fashion By He, It's because this effort has not been well thought out. It's a reaction to 7-Eleven's facade more than anything else. In the UK, a similar campaign exists to prevent the spread of supermarkets, citing the same complaints.
No 7_Eleven, Instead of copying your flier in full, why not just post a link to it? Like this.
How does it beat Peels?
because Peels is for the upper crust, and it sucks!
not to hot on 7-11 either but it's low end, prefer the scum to Noho friggin Yunnies.
7-Eleven franchises are schemes. The franchisees make hardly any money and are dictated to by corporate in Texas. The whole thing is a racket.
Other businesses affected by the 16oz soda ban include street vendors, cafes, pizza shops and bagel shops. Basically anyone monitored by the department of health. 7-Eleven is not. They can do whatever in there.
Ask the guy who owns the two 7-Eleven franchises, you know, the one who lives in NEW JERSEY how much he spends in the community.
a) who cares if they don't make money, if you arent an investor that isnt your problem.
2) there is an associated grocery store on ave c, not sure the difference between ave c and ave a...but im pretty sure AG is a chain
2a) there is a Ctown 2 blocks away, and another grocery store down on ave b, another few blocks...there was never a complaint for any of those chain grocery stores
3) if the chain has 50 locations or 100 what is the difference a chain is a chain is a chain...they are all in the business of making money
4)westville is also a chain restaurant, there are multiple locations...are you only hating on high qty chains? or just picking and choosing at random?
5) 711 offers nothing to the neighborhood that you dont already have...thats just a dumb comment, if you follow that logic, we shouldnt open any new restaurants, hair salons, nail places, pizza places or any of the like, business is about competition...
6) if 711 is so bad ... DONT GO THERE...you hopefully all realize that any business that has no costumers no matter what chain will eventually close down...why not just not shop there!?!?
7)how come non of you are boycotting, or protesting outside the subway on 13th street and ave b? or the dunkin donuts on 14th street btw a and b?
8) health issues - since they arent monitored for health issues the same way other restaurants are monitors, maybe you should spend you time voicing these opinions to city hall to get them covered under the same
9) spends money on community? do any of the bodegas donate money to the community?!?!?
10) facade - totally agree, ugly facade, maybe the city needs to outlaw neon signs and such on facadas, i dont have a problem with historical value of buildings and a neighborhood
keep the questions coming
You haven't answered any of the questions lol.
@ Fashion By He
The EV has historically been a diverse (racially and economically), highly populated neighborhood with a variety of retail businesses that served long-time residents and newcomers alike. Change always happens here, but the EV has been changing in very unprecedented ways in the recent past.
Besides loss of affordable housing, we're also losing affordable commercial spaces. As the neighborhood has morphed into a nightlife destination, rents for storefronts have risen and the retail businesses that once catered to our local needs have been priced out while nightlife businesses and corporate big box retail have moved in in their place.
There was local opposition to the Gap that opened in the late 1980s on St Marks and 2nd Ave (and is now gone). There has been much bad stuff said on this blog about the proliferation of Subways, Starbucks and chain drug stores in the neighborhood. 7-11 is just the straw that finally broke the camel's back (it didn't help that their PR person announced the opening of a large number of new locations all over town and that their corporate strategy is very "category killer").
It's not just about this one 7-11. As the founder of No 7-11 has stated, the goal is to establish something along the lines of what San Fransisco has done, neighborhood by neighborhood, to check the spread of chain stores (and to define exactly what is meant by "chain store") within city limits. Perhaps No 7-11 needs to make that clearer.
Just Google "San Fransisco chain stores" to see what they've done.
7-11 is a nice pet peeve issue for people with no life.
People, don't waste your time on this troll. No 7-11 spelled it out perfectly for anyone with half a brain. I think it might be Margaret Chablis herself parading around her. Too bady she doesn't realize that the EV is full of intelligent, conscious and moral people - unlike the f*cktard halfwits she's used to dealing with in Texas, aka, the worst state out of 50.
The very first Sunday that 7-11 opens on Avenue A & 11th Street me & some fellow performers are gonna go in dance & strip. After all the site was home to our very popular show for 5 years and I was happily employed there for 4.
Another reason why I dislike BIDs: business takes complete
control of the streets from the public. The "NO 7-Eleven"
chalking was in front of an abandoned storefront, not even
on 7-ELeven property. BIDs are sanctioned by the city
administration -- when are residents going to have RIDs,
Residential Improvement Districts to rid ourselves of
corporate encroachment?
A RID would have more of an impact on bodegas than 7-Eleven will. The 7-Eleven vs. bodega kerfuffle is an internecine struggle within a BID context.
Residential Improvement Districts
sounds good to me - sort of like a mini government with committees covering neighborhood problems.
like say:
proliferation of bars and disruptive night life; preservation of small businesses (against landlord greed and chain store take over); organizing residential tenants of "mega landlords", etc. etc.
too bad we don't have a community board that works since it is set up for this kind of stuff.
I have no problem with the good people at 7-11 and I welcome the 11th street and avenue a store with open arms. I can't wait until it gets hot for a cooool Slurpie! I love it. If the local stores want to stay open I suggest they buy slurpie/ices machines. Stop protesting the good people at 7-11. They never hurt anyone.
Anony 11.16 PM. Unless your post is some kind of ironic spoof (?), I guess you are the type of person that gets an organism by driving on Route 46 in Jersey.
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