Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Designer Cara Marie Piazza opens pop-up shop on East 11th Street

An EVG reader passed along word of a new storefront at 647 E. 11th Street just west of Avenue C... Relique features the handmade work of Cara Marie Piazza. According to her bio, she is "a natural dyer and textile designer." Her bio also notes that she is a native New Yorker who graduated from the Chelsea College of Art and Design in London. You can read more about her and her designs at her website.

The reader noted that the storefront opened Monday night. The space was previously home to Kasadela, which was unable to reopen at this location following Sandy.

Apparently this is just a pop-up shop for Fashion Week, per a commenter...


  1. Just a pop up location for fashion week. Not a new boutique.

  2. My eyes are going. I thought it said Cara Marie Pizza opens pop-up shop.

  3. That website has no information to understand what it is she is selling. And wouldn't pizza textiles be tres chic?


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