Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Today in photos of a fire breather in Tompkins Square Park

Getting ready for Valentine's Day?

Above photos by EVG regular peter radley.

Here are a few more via Bobby Williams...

Read more about Penny Pollak here.


  1. Circus performers have the best clothes

  2. Both above comments - AGREE!

    These photos somehow made my day.... Thanx

  3. DAMN.....I forgot the marshmellows!

  4. I like the fact that she's just out there, breathing fire in the park, all by herself, no big audience save for our intrepid Grieve correspondents.


  5. Valentines Day East Village Style!
    This chick rocks.
    Love it!

  6. Yes, my guess is a gig(s) today/tonight somewhere. Test out the clothes/outfit to make sure it doesn't screw up the performance


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