Monday, March 11, 2013

[Updated] Excavation continues outside the former Cabrini Center on Avenue B

On Friday, a resident who lives adjacent to the former Cabrini Center noted the unbearable jackhammering taking place in the building's parking lot off Avenue B at East Fifth Street. The health care facility for elderly patients is being converted into luxury residences.

Today, another resident passes along photos of the ongoing excavation (pointing out that few of the workers chose not to wear hard hats for this job). The nearby resident refers to the work here today as "obscenely loud."

Here's a little video action of the work...

Not sure what's going on out back... workers jackhammered out the former parking lot. One local joked that they were putting in a pool. Hmm. More likely the pump service room, the water room, etc., in the basement.

DOB permits show 81 units here, including a rooftop "public recreation space" as well as retail space.



  1. Maybe underground parking?
    That is rough though. I can hear it a couple blocks away.

  2. Fermented piss bombs, anyone????


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