Thursday, March 14, 2013

Learning and talking about microbes tomorrow night at MoRUS

From the EV Grieve inbox...

As sustainable living practices move from the realm of alternative lifestyles into the mainstream, The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (MoRUS) will provide a platform to learn about the reported benefits of effective microorganisms for life and the environment. A workshop titled, Introduction to Effective Microorganisms and Pickling Food Waste, will take place on Friday at MoRUS, 155 Avenue C, between 9th and 10th Streets. There will be samplings of fermented food and drinks prepared with EM at the beginning of the workshop.

The workshop, which will be led by Susan Greenfield and Shig Matsukawa, both members of El Sol Brillante and Children's Garden, will demonstrate how microbes recycle food waste and improve soil, among other ecological uses. Attendees will also participate in such hands-on activities as recycling food waste at home and making the fermentation starter.

While awareness of EM technology in the United States has increased in recent years, the technology has been widely studied and employed in Japan, where it originated more than 30 year ago. Its uses have ranged from farming to composting and waste management.

Find more info here.

[Image via the MoRUS Facebook page]


  1. on first read i thought it said "microbrews" and i was like oh man not MORUS too!! Lol.
    But fo course they are offering something WONDERFUL, VALUABLE, UNIQUE and AND FREE to the community.
    Can someone please give these guys some kind of community service award?? for what they did during sandy alone they should be officially thanked!

  2. @ glamma

    Haha! Beer Week continues!


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