Friday, March 8, 2013

Man who held Bar Veloce hostage sentenced to 240 years in prison; tells judge to suck his dick

In June 2002, a heavily armed Steven Johnson held patrons at Bar Veloce on Second Avenue hostage. He fired shots inside the bar, doused patrons with kerosene and shouted, "White people are going to burn tonight!" (In total, three people suffered bullet wounds.)

He was found guilty on Feb. 4. Today, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Daniel FitzGerald sentenced Johnson to 240 years in prison, the Daily News reported.

And last words from Johnson? "In closing, I'd just like to say, fuck you and suck my dick," he reportedly told FitzGerald.

Here's more from the Post. And DNAinfo.

Important info to add via the AP:

"It was Johnson's third trial. The first trial deadlocked in 2004. The second trial resulted in a conviction and a 240-year prison sentence but was overturned on appeal."

[Image via the Daily News]


  1. I get that this guy is batshit-crazy, but why did this take 11 years?

  2. @ anon 5:12

    The first guilty verdict in 2007 was overturned on a technicality.

  3. They really need to use the death penalty more often. Now taxpayers will have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to support this a-hole while he rots in jail.

  4. What a swell chap. Fuck him.

  5. Hopefully he'll be known around the prison yard as Steve "suck my dick" Johnson.

  6. They need to cover this guy in Cheese Whiz and tie him to a tree in Tompkins Square Park and let the rats have him!

  7. What Greg6833 said!

  8. I feel bad for the owners Korean girlfriend who had to clean up the aftermath including the brain matter. Where was the NYC crime scene unit to take care of this? This woman was amazing, she opened the establishment within two days.


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