Dave on 7th reports there is a water main break on East Seventh Street at Avenue C. Crews are on the scene now — since roughly 4 a.m. The water has been shut off here on East Seventh Street for the time being. DEP notices say that the water could be off for up to 16 hours ... one resident has already expressed his or her sentiments on this flyer ...

[Photo by Robert Miner]
Updated 8:19 a.m.
The scene now on East Seventh at Avenue C via EVG reader Steven Matthews...

Updated 5 p.m.
Dave on 7th says that water service has been restored.
I am near the corner of 7th and Ave B, there was a sign up saying to prepare for no water from 4am today, they put the sign up at 4am today. Thanks. Luckily our water comes from 6th St, and we had water. Thank gawd for that.
I in the middle of the B-C block on 7th. No water = No shower, no coffee. Ugh.
How are the basements of the nearby buildings? Might be a good idea to check for leaks...
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