They ... are... everywhere... now... can't keep ... up.. with ... all ... the ... docking.. stations... arriving...
Thanks to to EVG reader Greg for this shot.
Ah! Per @TYJK, the docking station is now parked on the north side of East Ninth Street... across from 9th Street Espresso...

And whatever happened to the bike guy here...? Also! Probably would have still been room for the Mystery Camper...
Another shot of the final product via Bobby Williams...
Whoa those are huge, what the fuck! Why so many? There are going to be more cars now, circling and idling, not less.
They're putting the finishing touches on ours here at 6th and D right now. Color me pleased.
It seems like they are placed out of spite, for a billionaire emperor to punish those of us who wish to have an automobile like himself.
(Fun fact: Bloomberg own 87 automobiles registered locally, and 787 more worldwide, including aircraft, leisure craft and helicopters).
Can't WAIT to slash all those tires!
The whole thing is a mess. Why not make more bike racks for people to actually park there bikes. I have to search and search to lock my bike in the hood these days...
I though they were solar powered, where's the big black pole? (phrasing!). They should've put it on the sidewalk next to the fence...at least it's modular though, so they can do that at anytime...
" Why not make more bike racks for people to actually park there bikes."
1. There is no money in it for the corporations.
2. Those bikes do not serve the security function, with citibike, your movements can be tracked by the State and sold to mass marketers.
Its all about being tracked and surveilled.
nygrump: There's actually no money in this for Citi. I don't like them anymore than anyone else, but they don't get a penny of revenue from this program (it's split between the operators of the bikeshare and the city).
@ anon 11:22
If Bloomberg has 787 cars, that's probably good for the environment. They just sit there. Imagine 787 people owning those 787 cars and driving it everyday.
Plus, you can still buy a car and garage it. No one said public streets are only for car owners to park their cars. I wonder if people get as pissed about this if a bus stop were to be placed somewhere.
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