Thursday, April 4, 2013

Flop sweats: Dreams of being fit today in Tompkins Square Park

Well, darn — we missed this today in Tompkins Square Park... "FlipFit or Flop" was here. Where, per the website: "Contestants come from all 50 states in hopes of becoming the Next Best Fitness Star. Fit or Flop, an online reality series, features personal trainers and fitness instructors with a passion for fitness and a dream to make it big."

Bobby Williams and his personal trainer were onhand for these photos.


  1. I was going to go have my snack in the park today. Thankfully I changed my mind. If I had arrived to find this crap going on, I would have been really pissed.

  2. I heard them as I walked down Avenue B tonight. I thought "How did they get a sound permit?"

  3. can they legally say if you come into the park you are giving permission to be filmed, or else you can't come into the park

  4. I was wondering the same thing...but then again the sign itself may be unnecessary since from a legal standpoint the usual argument re filming in the street is that there can be no expectation of privacy in a public place, so capturing your image is fair game in that context (which is how they usually get away with showing people that way).

  5. Seriously, I only saw one sign that was taped to a trash can.

  6. ...glad I missed this yesterday!


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