Workers continue to create the plaza area in front of 51 Astor Place, the in-progress 12-story office building at the gateway (from the west) into the neighborhood ... the trees arrived for the space a few weeks back... we took a quick look inside yesterday, and spotted the granite seatbacks .. among other things, the plaza will feature plantings, bike racks and a piece of public art.
Here are some of the renderings showing the public plaza from one of the earlier meetings on the development...

Previously on EV Grieve:
The demolition of 51 Astor Place means the end of the New York Film Academy Café here
[June 2011]
Stone benches? How inviting!
Calling all crusties!
Will there be a petting zoo?
I was hoping for a Water Park with rides.
Will it be a pick up zone for undocumented workers like the park down the street?
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