Friday, April 19, 2013

Pyramid scheme

A view of 51 Astor Place via EVG contributor jdx ...


  1. it's not E Vil, it's evil. And foreboding.

  2. Personally - I like the EMPTY lot much better. It had some character...

  3. A friend of mine, born and raised here, said about this building: "It's not as bad as what was there before."

  4. Does this casino have a poker room?

  5. Think about a nice big green PARK where that glassy black turd is now sitting. Trees, grass, walkways. THAT would have been an interesting development. Thank you Cooper Union.

  6. And what was there before what was there....was magnificent.

  7. I love glass on glass....makes the neighborhood look really cool. When I was younger and told a potential date that I lived in the EV, it always was a deal-breaker. Now it's a deal-maker. Except, nobody wants to hang with a 60 year old. I was ahead of my time...but I still have a fertile imagination . . . and remember: "The older the buck - the stiffer the horns."


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