Which, based on the signs that someone attached to the front door and the tenant's door, didn't go over so well...

Said the resident: "Is this what the neighborhood is coming to? That the stupid woos and bros who have moved into the neighborhood feel the need to relieve themselves wherever and whenever they feel like it — even in front of THEIR OWN APARTMENT BUILDINGS, rather than walking up the stairs to use the facilities like a normal human being? WHAT is wrong with people?"
Well, I live out in the 'burbs and this very weekend was remarking about how great it is to own a bit of land with some shrubs &c because one of life's greatest simple pleasures is being able to piss outdoors. I came to this conclusion as I was pissing behind my garage into a forsythia bush at 3 AM.
Methinks that the quoted resident remembers the non-existent past when it wasn't common for EV residents to use the neighborhood as their personal urinal.
I'm almost positive that 15 years ago the quoted resident wouldn't have stepped foot beyond 1st Avenue. Urine is sterile anyway and probably cleaned the door that the quoted resident would probably never think to do on their own.
Maybe he didn't want to wake up the 5 other people sharing the apartment? if that resident wants to complain, I still got feral cats who piss against the reflection in my window...it seeps under the window and my apt stinks. I now understand why the crackheads who used to live at 430 killed the ferals.
This is ten kinds of laughable. The same guy who put this dumb sign up probably walks over five to ten beggars a day who urinate and defecate where they sit and sleep in their own filth.
Get over yourselves and/or get a hobby losers.
I have to ask: Did the offender respond to this notice posted on his door?
It's pretty gross to pee on your own building. Or any building for that matter.
Couple years ago a neighbor's friend pissed on the landing (it was Marky Beana, RIP, who used to hang out in our buiding a lot before he moved into the street) and for that some newbie yunnie helped the landlord to evict my neighbor, who was a single mom with three kids. People in this neighborhood today have their values completely upside down.
Back in the day, Grey Edwards, 70 years old, used to come back home every night from the Met Opera standing room $5 tix, always stinking like a mix of fresh and rancid piss (he'd always go to the green room to greet the performers!(-:), and slowing climb the stoop while his pants slowly fell. One day all the kids on the block presented him with a belt. Where else but here? Once he asked me if his apt stank. Who the f^&* cared?
When you gotta go you gotta go, Dogs piss all over this damn city, and so do I.
About ten years ago, I had to take a leak DESPERATELY, right across the street from the 9th Precinct. I very gingerly unhooked myself and peed against a tree. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulders, upon which I turned around, still peeing, and finished my business on the shoes of a 9th precinct cop. Then I spent the next 2 days inside the precinct. True story!
Not sure who's worse, the guy who urinated on the front of the building or the commenters who think this is OK. Guess what! He's not homeless, nor a dog, nor are we living in the year 1982. Not that any of these are reasons to take a piss on someone's home. Unacceptable and disgusting. Hope he didn't get any on his Santa suit!
What shall this tenant be named? The Pee Pee Tenant? The Pisser? He With The Weak Bladder? I am sure EV Grieve readers can come up with something creative.
I think it would have been better to have left a note to the person instead of going the "public shaming" method of cure. Clearly they really had to pee. Love peeing outside, sort of problematic in the city to do that.
before pick up after your dog became law it used to be curb your dog.
that meant that whatever the dog did was in the gutter which, at that time, was cleaned by sanitation spray trucks.
now your dog can go anywhere as long as you pick up after it - how do you pick up piss?
so now the streets stink and lots of folks don't bother to pick up the dog crap.
bring back curb your dog. at least it was not so easy to step in it, and once in a while the rain cleans the streets.
what about the Pee Phone or is that out of order?
It saves water.
who ever posted this on this guys door would piss themselves outside a locked bathroom door instead of realizing the fact that a toilet isn't your only option. OK he peed on your building it's not gonna stain complain on something worth complaining about like abuse, harassment and stuff like that.
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