Friday, April 12, 2013

RIP Walter — 'hasta la vista'

We received some sad news yesterday... the loss of one of those characters you always saw around the neighborhood — Walter. (Walter Seda, though most people never knew his last name.)

His friends Michael and Jenny shared the following:

It's with great sadness that we are letting you know that Walter from 2A (among many other places such as Sidewalk Cafe, Magician, Parkside Lounge, Nice Guy Eddie's and Manitoba's) passed away Tuesday April 9 at Downtown Hospital at 8 pm. He waited to make his departure until Happy Hour was over just as he usually did many many nights in the past. Walter had been battling with bladder cancer for many months but despite his unusually strong constitution ... he finally succumbed.

Walter technically lived on Broome Street, though, as Michael said, he LIVED in the East Village, as evidenced by the many places where he was known.

In a follow-up email, Michael provided a little more background about Walter: He came here from Puerto Rico in 1959.

"May 24th to be exact as he told me on one of the last days I saw him alive. He daily walked the length and breadth of the East Village even in the dead of winter and never wore a coat as anyone who knew him would attest. He only wore short-sleeve shirts. When ever he left to go home at night (usually at the end of whatever happy hour he was at) he would raise his right fist and to all present would say "Hasta la vista" in his big gravely voice. His rough and hulking exterior belied his sharp mind and the fact that little escaped his watchful eye."

There will be a short service during the viewing around 7 p.m. at the R.G. Ortiz Funeral Home on Saturday. Prior to this, his friends are planning to meet at 2A for a drink or two to celebrate his life.

Said Michael: "All who knew him will miss him and never forget him."

[Photo of Walter by Tim Finn]


  1. EEK - The notice has his date of death April 19, week.

  2. @ bayou

    Right. I noticed that. I guess I could have photoshopped the inadvertent 1 out.

  3. Walter always sat in front of the taps. If he walked in when you were sitting there, you moved.

  4. Walter celebrated his birthday every month.
    Sorry if this is a repost. Flummoxed by the nonrobotic stuff.


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