Friday, April 19, 2013

Today in Park critters

Tompkins Square Park...

By Bobby Williams...


  1. I've seen those beautiful blue breasted birds. They like to sit in the sun every morning on the lawn under the Picasso sculpture on Bleecker. Or they did in February and March. Have been replaced by big fat robins. Wonder how that happened.

    Does anyone know what they are called?

  2. White-throated sparrows. They have an enchanting song.

    Nice shots, Bobby!

  3. Astonishing. Beautiful, Bobby.

  4. Nice pics. Serious question: I always see such nice pics on this site. I'm looking for my first SLR camera under $1.000. Anyone have any suggestions ?

  5. Whats with that scar on the squirrel's nose? He get in a knife fight with the rats?


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