[Photo via @TYJK]
Oops. Sorry. I originally wrote that this was inside the Park. Nevermind!
Seems like this is better spot for a docking station... alongside the Park on East 10th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B? And for people upset about these things taking up parking spots... not really an issue here.
Uh, this is on 10th b/w A and B. Not "inside" the park - but bordering the exterior. Seems a much better location than the racks set up along the street / crowded sidewalks.
Duh. Sorry. I have Docking Station Fever and fucked up. Amended that post.
to me, this is actually worse. kind of ruins the aesthetic of that lovely promenade.
Well, I am upset because I liked to lean up against the fence right there to watch the rats! Now where am I going to stand?
This program discriminates...what can you do if you want to rent but don't have a debit/credit card?
Is there some way you can establish a citibank account with a card just for bike share? theres nothing about any alternative on their website.
VZAbuser... I'm sure if the program became successful enough there would be a way to get a bike share card but you'd have to leave a hefty cash deposit for lost/damaged bike, overtime...etc
The thing is would people leave a $600 to $1000 deposit to join Bike share if they can't or wont use a credit debit card... for that I'd rather buy my own "shitty" bike and share it myself
I don't like this docking station location. For one thing it is going to get incredibly dirty and there is no way to clean around it. Leaves have already gotten trapped in-between the docking station and the park fence. The park clean up crew won't be able to sweep around it once the bikes are there and I am guessing that people will be milling about the area more because the bikes are on the sidewalk and not the curb. This will also encourage tourists to bike on the sidewalk because the station is on the sidewalk.
And it does ruin the promenade. I would rather them on the curb.
Why the hell are there so god damn many docking stations? And why downtown? Why not midtown?
Yes. Money is discriminating. People must have it to buy things. Those who don't have it, are prevented from buying things. It's not fair.
The system runs as far up as Lincoln Center. Not sure how far up (nor how far down [bkln) the installation has gone so far.
What an eyesore! That's one of the neighborhood's prettiest blocks. My wife haughtily refers to it as "Tompkins Square Park North". Is nothing sacred in this town?!
They should post a traffic cop on the corner so they can fine the riders on the sidewalk...
not really understanding why everyone's hating on the bike share. i own my own bike but i still think it's great - get more bikers out so drivers will learn to be more careful, take one way trips when biking round trip doesn't make sense, and hopefully cut down on taxi rides that congest the streets and pollute the air. there are still plenty of places for cars to park, and plenty of room to walk on the sidewalks, and a row of bikes is hardly an eyesore.
oh man that is f*ckin sacrilege!
i hate this bullsh*t so fre@kin much
corporate wh0re mayor and his citiots!!!
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