Friday, May 3, 2013

[Updated] Concern for the bending elm in Tompkins Square Park

You've seen the bending elm next to the The Hare Krishna Tree in the center of Tompkins Square Park... (such as in these photos from November via Bobby Williams) ...

Now, GammaBlog points out a potentially dangerous situation here.

[Via GammaBlog]

As you can see from the above photo, the cable attached to the tree appears to be fraying... GammaBlog also notes that TWO cable were attached to the bending elm for support... down to one, and if this cable would snap... Well. Let's get the Parks Department on this. GammaBlog has already called 311.

Updated 5:02

On second thought, GammaBlog thinks that the fraying appears to be the lashing around the cable and not the actual cable. Regardless, a return of the second cable would provide a little more piece of mind...


  1. Yeah, good luck.
    As one of the most heavily staffed parks for it's size in the city. Nobody around there does shit.

    I've said on this board over the last few years, that the number of trees in that park is going to be cut to roughly half. We keep getting closer, 3-4 trees a year at a time.

  2. I may be mis-seeing things, but I don't think that cable is fraying. But rather it looks like the protective covering is peeling off.

  3. The trees in Tompkins are being inspected by horticultural services and are being cut back when necessary if they show signs of disease or weakness to prevent them from falling and potentially killing or injuring dozens of people. If you have a problem with that then there is something seriously wrong with you.

  4. One cable snapped during Hurricane Sandy. If it wasn't repaired then the Parks Dept is looking at a serious negligence law suit if that tree falls and injures any of the dozens of people sitting and playing around it. The second cable needs to be repaired immediately because it is not fraying -- it is snapping.

  5. Nothing lives forever, time to let it go and let its mulch feed new life.

  6. @ 9:08 PM
    "If you have a problem with that then there is something seriously wrong with you"

    I read the post. I read the comments.
    Who are you referring to??

  7. He's probably referring to those tree that take matters into their own hands and self - medicate

  8. Is it just me or do the park staff at Tomkins always seem to be, um, hanging out?


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