Monday, May 13, 2013

Demolition of 35 Cooper Square began 2 years ago (almost) today

Actually it was May 12, 2011 ... and the historic 186-year-old house was gone by May 25, when the funeral was held ...

Anyway, you know the story. (You can revisit one of our 34,231 posts on it here.)

Meanwhile, as we first reported last Aug. 21, developer Arun Bhatia filed paperwork for a 9-story dorm for an unspecified school in this space. Then, in April, subsequent paperwork filed with the DOB points to a 13-story dorm instead... All plans remain pending with the DOB.

For now, enjoy the graffiti.


Previously on EV Grieve:
Something 28,998 square feet or so coming to Cooper Square (and goodbye Cooper 35 Asian Pub?)

Doom and doomer: More of Cooper Square primed for development

Cooper 35 Asian Pub part of development deal on Cooper Square



  2. Good thing they got rid of that old building so quickly. It had definitely been hanging around that corner for too long. Everyone knows that historic buildings make for the best vacant lots.

  3. There's "progress" for you.
    - East Villager


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