Tuesday, May 14, 2013

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

[Zoltar entreating the children, by Bobby Williams]

Future of Katz's looks solid (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Not everyone wants to see Beyonce's bikini-clad privates (BoweryBoogie)

The green community gardens of the East Village (Gog in NYC)

At look at Preserve24 on East Houston near Allen (The New York Times)

Suspect wanted in shooting of cop on LES nabbed in Virginia (The Lo-Down)

Fewer pot busts in NYC (Runnin' Scared)

The sites and and sounds of the East Village, but no cats (Slum Goddess)

And tonight... via the EV Grieve inbox... at 7:30, the Tryptych Reading Series presents filmmaker poets Stephanie Gray and Jonas Mekas. Gray will also show super 8 film. At: Envoy Enterprises, 87 Rivington (bet Orchard & Ludlow)


  1. Maybe this was already answered in a previous post, but what happened to Zoltar's crystal ball? He's only got the oil lamp now - isn't that for conjuring a genie to grant wishes? How can he foretell the future without his ball? Zoltar won't answer my questions...

  2. @Goggla

    You missed my post titled "Zoltar's ball-less future."

    But seriously... I think it was smashed in the Great Zoltar Skateboard Smash last month... perhaps a new one is on special order?

  3. Preserve24 is “a massive sculptural installation,” inspired by its venerable Lower East Side neighborhood. “It should look lived-in,” Mr. Goggin said. “It should feel as if it’s been around for 200 years.”

    great tear down the real old and replace it with something new that looks 200 years old and costs millions of dollars.

    and then get a liquor license.



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