Monday, June 3, 2013

And how was your commute?

A scene this late afternoon at the Union Square 4/5/6 titled Man Urinates on Subway Tracks ... via @manhattan_matt

Oh, and good. There's video.


  1. Dang. Too bad he didn't connect with the third rail.

  2. Stay classy, New York!

  3. What this really points to is NYC's lousy infrastructure when it comes to those kinds of personal needs. If it wasn't for Starbucks, we'd all be peeing in the subway.

  4. Slippery when wet.

  5. Forget about him peeing. What's more shocking is that the man is wearing a winter coat on this hot and humid day.

  6. The Mythbusters found this to be safe.

  7. If he could come hit up the bike docking station over on 9th ave and 45th st next I would appreciate it. It's so much fun to have a street closed and then have to try to get around those things to reach the next travelable street. Thanks Mike, loving the added traffic and congestion :-)
    Oh, yeah please pee after the rain the smell is much better in the sweltering heat of the day

  8. I don't get the bit about Starbucks.

    Oh, wait a minute. You mean their coffee doesn't just *taste* like piss???

  9. Sometime people with Schizophrenia where heavy winter clothing during warm/hot weather (and the opposite goes for when it's cold out), so that's a possibility. However, as noted, he's wearing decent headphones, so he could also simply be a scumbag (and/or a thief). Either way, no excuses for such behavior.

  10. Always proof-read: *Sometimes *wear

  11. Heroin addicts love wearing winter clothes during the summer to cover up their track marks.
    No restrooms in the Metro in D.C. either. Thank God for Starbucks!

  12. I shot this video. To clear things up, I have no idea about his headphones, but it was incredibly apparent that he was homeless due to his odor and look of confusion. Things are not right with this guy.

    While this video is a little nuts and slightly amusing, the homeless problem in and around 14th street has been getting increasing worrisome lately. I really couldn't believe this was happening in front of my eyes.

  13. The guy has a decimated life.

    It took decades to get him to this moment.

    If Duchamp can put a urinal in a gallery, then this poor bastard can put piss in a subway.

    Where's your LES insight people?

    It's America as a whole, and Bloomberg and all the rest, that have failed in this scene.

  14. No man that's just a french dude.

  15. As an example of everything costing much more and offering much less, one should note all the stations used to have toilets for the public. But the public is out of control so these services can't be provided. Its a nagtive social feedback loop, services eliminated, toilets trashed, toilets closed, people piss in public. And do not forget the govt and military used many of these ill people as medical test subjects then released them into the public...I'm sure it is still going on.

  16. I can top this one: This weekend I saw an old man on a bicycle, fly open, genitals swinging in the breeze. Oh and ah, big smile so he was either crazy or just happy for the extra exposure.

  17. "And do not forget the govt and military used many of these ill people as medical test subjects then released them into the public...I'm sure it is still going on."

    and you were doing so well... . the powers use the excuse that people mess things up to take them away and never bring them back.

  18. I saw a guy, wearing sweat pants, start to take a dump between cars on the PATH train to Hoboken. Like in Bridesmaids, I had to “LOOK AWAY!”


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