Saturday, June 8, 2013

At least 1 participant in the World Naked Bike Ride took a Citi Bike

So today was the annual World Naked Bike Ride day... and EVG contributor peter radley took a few shots of the riders on Second Avenue ... and at least one pants-clad participant took advantage of the Cite Bikes bike share program for the ride.

Oh, and there's video too... via EVG reader Kevin...


  1. Doesn't look like much of a NAKED bike ride to me. Embarrassing.

  2. You got me all prematurely excited, EVG. There's no nakedness in here.

  3. I thought I would see some full frontal. Now I feel really depressed.

  4. This is why we have public decency laws. Please God let me unsee this photos.

    - East Villager

  5. Corporate blandism. No sharing skid marks on the seats.


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