Monday, June 10, 2013

Cemusa newsstand now open for action on the Bowery

[Bobby Williams]

The Cemusa newsstand is now open on the Bowery at East Second Street... offering most of the comforts (cigarettes, 5-hour ENERGY® shots) of the nearby 7-Eleven, minus the GO-GO Taquitos® and Spicy Wing Zings, among other items.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Newsstand in the works for the Bowery and Second Street

The Bowery just got a little more bland


  1. Mmmmm, some Marlboros and Taquitos and I'm Good. To. Go.

    Not really. Any chance we could get him to sell hot crepes?

  2. He needs a Slurpee tap

  3. Need one of them mash potato machines. That'd be killer on a cold day.

  4. I hope, wish and pray that they sell frozen yogurt and portable hookas.


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