Thursday, June 6, 2013

East Village flyer tells Church of Scientology members that they must see 'After Earth' — 3 times

[Photo by Chloe Sweeney McGlade via Facebook]

Spotted this morning on St. Mark's Place between Second Avenue and Third Avenue. A stern request for members of the Church of Scientology — they must see "After Earth," possibly to be known as The Worst Movie Ever Made, a minimum of three times. Per the small print: "Failure to do so will result in severe consequences." (Per various reports, "After Earth" is full of Scientology-laced themes and messages.)

It's all an effort to cheer up "After Earth" star Will Smith, who isn't used to such box-office disappointments. The flyer says that you can even send Will a positive video message.

But remember, regardless of the gag with the flyer, DANGER IS REAL.

[Avenue A on May 25]


  1. Due to unfortunate circumstances, the SP that authors this blog no longer exists. If you continue reading, you will no longer exist.

  2. Crap! I have only seen it twice...

  3. Will Smith's kids are beyond annoying and talentless, in that order. The fact that they're being thrust upon the public, simply because of who their parents are, I find offensive. And yes, I know it's been going on long before this.

  4. You wouldn't want to lose your Thetan Level 7 status now, WOULD YOU, Tom!? Off to the multiplex with you!

  5. Poor little clams! Snap snap snap! What would Xenu do?

  6. I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf
    I whip my hair back and forf

    yep, definitely annoying, those kids

  7. If one can only watch After Earth once, Battlefield Earth may be substituted for it, but must be watched twice for every After Earth film not watched.

  8. New Scientology-inspired Smith family sit-com coming this Fall......

    ....."After Mirth".

  9. I'm moving to Jupiter, its always scientology free there

  10. Obviously someone who wasted 13 bucks on a ticket to this hot mess taking out their rage on an innocent bus stop...

  11. DON"T go to Jupiter, thats Xenu's summer home; its like the Fire Island of Solar system.

  12. I despise Scientology, but watched this with my children (not knowing there was any connection) and enjoyed the movie. not sure why the critics hated it.


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