Saturday, June 15, 2013

Feels like the first time that you lost your VIP Foreigner pass

EVG reader juan TRED spotted this today at East 9th Street and Stuyvesant Street...

A VIP pass for the Foreigner show last night at Citi Field. Obviously the bearer of this badge lost it. Because who would purposefully discard this keepsake?


  1. I can tell you I wouldn't if Lou Gramm were still the singer. He's got great pipes!

  2. I've been waitin' for a backstage pass like you, to come into my life...

  3. I lurve this post.

  4. If someone just tossed this, well, that's just...cold as ice! (Sorry!)

  5. But who will throw their pass out last?

  6. I want to know where backstage is, I want you to show me.

  7. Where the f*ck did I park my Citibike? It seemed so easy 9 hours ago.


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