Thursday, June 6, 2013

Mind the rats please

EVG reader Robert Miner spotted this just off East Houston and The Bowery. What will they want next?


  1. We need a rodent crosswalk on 12th between A and 1st as well. Some jumbo-size rats that feast after hours are in danger of being stepped on.

  2. Behind my place at 7th I once found a cat sized rat dead. I think it had gigantism. The other night, while watching TV in the dark, a nice medium sized (probably 5lbs) rat was scratching at my screen in the window. Viva le NY.

  3. What will they want next? Their own bike lanes and their Citi ratshairng, whic is no different than what the Citibike sharing -- for the rats.

  4. Where are the Bike lanes for the Rat Bicyclists?

  5. Hope the rats don't get run over by the selfish, inconsiderate bicyclists. Or, maybe, they'll just bite into them.

  6. There's another one of these painted on the northern side of 2nd Street between 2nd Ave and Bowery. :)


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