Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ray's Candy Store gets a new 1-year lease

From the "Finally There's Some Good Fucking News Department":

Ray has secured a new one-year lease for his beloved shop on Avenue A. There had been some worries about a huge rent hike and all that usual stuff. However, as we understand it, the increase is quite modest.

And, as you can see from that photo via Ray's Facebook page, he is very happy. And so are we.


  1. I like Ray and I like Ray's Candy Store. That being said, I've stopped in maybe 6 times over the years and never had anything that I would consider tasty. The fries were overly soggy, the beignets were very average, and I once got froyo that didn't even have the food coloring mixed in completely but I ate it anyway and had colorful pooh the next day. I guess the egg cream was good but what am I missing here? What should I be ordering from Ray that will get me going back more often?

  2. Congratulations, Ray! Nice to hear some good news.

  3. Egg creams, iced coffee, YAY! Bring on the summer!

  4. THANK YOU JESUS = Best tag ever!

  5. I can't wait for my sister to get back from Paris and drag me here at some ungodly hour in my pajamas......:D

  6. i actually like ray's chocolate dipped ice cream better than big gay ice cream's.

  7. The guy who works their on weekdays makes the best egg cream I have ever had. He's an artist.

  8. Good for Ray, 1 year lease is better than an eviction. Bring on the egg creams, a nice summer treat.Bob Grant and his men will be stopping in.


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