Sunday, June 16, 2013

Remedy Diner makes guest appearance in new Lexus ad

The diner on East Houston and Norfolk plays a supporting role in this couple's crazy night out. What a perfect world!


  1. Look at all that street parking!!!

  2. Ha! Exactly! And no pesky traffic!

  3. I don't know whether I should eat at Remedy Diner or buy a Lexus!

  4. No waiting for a table at the diner or the pool "hall"... and those luxurious 1000-count sheets...

  5. I woulda been much more impressed with this tripe if they hadn't rolled out the wedding rings and the kids.

  6. That is a fake phone number too

  7. Yeah, saw this commercial a few nights ago and laughed out loud. An empty-ish Remedy? Bah-hahaha!

  8. Damn you Madison Avenue! You know I'm vulnerable, I know I'm vulnerable, and I should know better. Yes I cried at the end. Happy!?

  9. Also,
    This new Am Ex Carrie Brownstein commercial has an interior shot in what appears to be A1 records.


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