Tomorrow is the last day for the Blarney Cove on East 14th Street ... they moved the closing date up by one day. So that's that.
As we've been noting, many businesses on East 14th Street between Avenue A and Avenue B are either relocating or closing to make way for some yet-unspecified development.
Previously on EV Grieve:
East 14th Street exodus continues
The disappearing storefronts of East 14th Street
[Updated with correction] 8-lot parcel of East 14th Street primed for new development
Bargain Express has closed on East 14th Street
The Blarney Cove will close for good at the end of June
There are any number of empty storefronts on B near 14th, I would hope they'd consider moving into one of them and continuing their proud tradition of serving neighborhood locals, not yokels.
ReplyDeleteThe Blarney Cove was one of the last great dive bars in NYC with which my family shared a long history. It was a hangout for old servicemen including my father who would spend hours reminiscing about WWII with the other guys. My uncle bartended there in the 70's, as did my brother in the 80's. It was a working man's bar if there ever was one and the owners throughout the years never forgot that and treated everyone with the respect they deserved. When it was fashionable in the 80's it was open all night (if you knew the bartender) and there was never a problem. You knew that one day, with gentrification erasing the Lower East Side I remember, it would close. I cannot count the times I patronized the bar or begin to relate the stories that only those who were there with me could appreciate. I will carry the memories with me forever. One more nail in the coffin of my youth.