Thursday, July 11, 2013

Prep work continues for demolition of Mary Help of Christians

[June 30]

Workers continue to prep the properties on the Mary Help Of Christians lot for demolition to make way for a new residential complex. The scaffolding and netting arrived on Tuesday for the school on East 11th Street near Avenue A ... and workers were still erecting the scaffolding yesterday afternoon...

Meanwhile, workers have already wrapped the former rectory on East 12th Street... only the church, which opened in 1917, remains free of the demolition bondage... miracle time has likely passed, though...

Developer Douglas Steiner bought the property last fall for an unspecified residential complex.

H/t Shawn Chittle.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Permits filed to demolish Mary Help of Christians church, school and rectory

Preservationists call for archeological review of former cemetery at Mary Help of Christians site

Scaffolding arrives for demolition of Mary Help of Christians

1 comment:

  1. I'm probably a horrible person for writing this but I don't mind that a church is being torn down since I have a visceral issue with organized religion as a whole.

    What I miss is the flea market they had in the lot. I got some really great stuff there and am sad I will miss out on future bargains.


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