CBS New York has the following report from the NYPD:
Police are on the lookout for two men wanted for attacking a woman Monday afternoon in the East Village.
The woman had just left her apartment when one of the suspects placed her in a choke hold, causing her to fall to the ground, police said.
The suspects took off with the woman’s pocketbook which had her cell phone, credit cards, personal property and cash, police said.
Police believe the suspects may have fled the scene in a gold or grey Honda.
The report doesn't specify the street/Avenue where the incident occurred. DNAinfo says the 50-year-old victim had just left her first-floor apartment around 5:30 p.m. The robbery took place inside the building, per DNAinfo.
Anyone with information on this can call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
Multiple residents have told us this occurred on East Ninth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue...
Wow. Turns out the woman, who owns several businesses, had a week's worth of receipts in a deposit bag — including $100,000 cash. DNAinfo reports that her businesses include a check-cashing and money-wiring service.
It was right around Avenue C & 9th Street - saw police all around Esperanto.
Yes, I was walking down 9th btw b and c and saw police asking questions at The exchange alley and Enchantments.
Oh good. Some more dirt bags enjoying the Thug Life. Can't wait til their asses are handed to them.
The woman also had $100,000 in her bag! http://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20130709/east-village/woman-robbed-exiting-her-east-village-apartment-cops-say
I expect those thugs knew exactly who they were robbing. They didn't just accidentally pick her out from among the privileged hipsters from out of town and hit an unexpected jackpot.
Seriously -- you think it was a coincidence she was (foolishly) carrying 100K in cash?
I'd start rounding up the usual suspects: employees who may have been familiar with her banking routine.
So you are saying that crime has increased in the community over the last 20+ years because of gentrification and that it will continue to increase?
But generally, if you think that most of the people in the neighborhood with iPhones are "yuppies" than the definition of that word has certainly changed since the 80s.
100k in cash???
wow, bet she won't make that mistake again, she should have gone straight to the bank OR better yet spent the 1-5% it costs to hire a brinks security type of truck & guards..
A coincidence she was carrying 100k?, HELL NAW: these thugs either knew her personally or targeted her from info from someone who works for her ... I get nervous if I need to carry 100 anything...
And yeah recent transplants are kinda naive, two summers ago I saw a Becka standing on the southeast corner of St. Marks & 1st texting furiously and a lovely thug just passed by on a bike and snatched her phone right out her hand and and zoomed down St.Marks into the ether, she screamed some chased but he was gone in a flash ... you think she'll do it again? Lessons learned.
Stop it with the yuppie talk. I look like a yuppie but I'm from New Haven where bad things actually happen regularly. Manhattan is like Disneyland for rich people and crazy people. It is what it is. You're not cool because you remember a time when the east village did not have Starbucks. If you miss that move to Brownsville and save some money and live with some real crime. Don't whine about yuppies from your super safe neighborhood. Fakers.
There's somethhing VERY wrong with this picture: Everyone knows that If she was a native New Yorker, she would have been carrying that 100Gs around in her sock.
100k in her socks?... That must be some big Olive Oyl sized feets she has!
You would think that business owners would not handle large deosits the way Abe Lebewohl did. He was murdered while on his way to deposit $10,000.
The commenter who suggested a Brinks truck is right on the money, no pun intended. I rarely carry $100, and if I (ever in my entire life!) had that kind of dough, I would not be carrying it on my person.
Do you think they know who they are looking for?
have you really been on that block for 20 years? if so, you'll surely remember the 5-10 crack/pot/hash dealers loitering on the s.e. corner of 9th & 1st at any given time, 24/7 and their cohorts constantly in and out of the unofficial crack apartment 2 or 3 doors off the corner. that block is way safer now than it was then.
seems to me that the victim was targeted.
unfortunantely, it's common practice for businesses who deal in a lot of cash to take these kinds of risks rather than pay for an armored car svc to transport their money. i guess they figure the $$ they save for that and the taxes they don't pay by claiming the income is worth it.
she's very lucky that something worse didn't happen.
remember Abe Lebewohl.
if they were going to get caught, it would have happened already. nypd are probably not even looking for the suspects anymore. waste of city tax payers money if you ask me. they are probably "LONG GONE"!!!
Thugs on the loose would give anything to see their a $$#& handed to them just not right. no one wakes up and says let's rob an old lady definitely an inside job
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