Monday, July 1, 2013

'Serendipity' returns to Tompkins Square Park

[Bobby Williams]

The life-sized sculpture of Christopher Gamble's silhouette returned to Tompkins Square Park on Saturday after a brief appearance last week ... The silhouette by Fanny AlliƩ will be in the Park through November ...

[EV Grieve]

[EV Grieve]

The work is in honor of Gamble, who was homeless for nearly 28 years. He now lives in an apartment run by the Bowery Residents' Committee.

Read more all this here.


  1. Is it terrible that I'm not really loving the statue?

  2. No. You're not alone.

  3. The Philosophical ZombieJuly 1, 2013 at 9:17 PM

    I agree with you both


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