[Photo from June 27 by Donna Rae]
The Harmony Kitchen, the food vendor at the Yippie Museum Cafe, closed at the end of June ... At the time, it was unclear what would happen with 9 Bleecker Street, the longtime headquarters of the counterculture group and home to the cafe just a few storefronts west of the Bowery.
On June 10, Colin Moynihan at The New York Times reported that Yippie leaders have been fighting an attempt by a lender to foreclose on their three-story home.
The space has been shut all this month, with a "closed for re-calculating" sign up...
However, there's an additional sign now... noting that they space will reopen next Wednesday for performances and events, though without any food or coffee...

The sign says Harmony "packed their bags and split. They left many unanswered questions and bills."
Previously on EV Grieve:
The Yippie Museum Cafe is in financial trouble
What, no coffee or tea?? Bummer.
I wrote this post yesterday afternoon and accidentally posted it then... instead of this morning... which explains Genevieve's comment from yesterday at 5:46.
With Dana Beal who was the force behind Yippie Cafe locked up in prison for transporting medical marijuana to NYC there is very little hope for saving the building and the cafe. Soon the East and West Village's counter-culture's presence and history will be completely bulldozed by capitalism. It's all about profit and cultural ethnic cleansing. NYC sucks more and more each year and honestly most of its residents are brain dead money hungry morons.
John, they hadn't paid against their mortgage for five years. Perhaps divert some of your frustration at them directly for being fiscal deadbeats? Their fate is of their own making.
maybe ALICE will step in and save number 9,
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