Sunday, July 7, 2013

Today in photos of a decorative camel resting on First Avenue

Near East Second Street. Explanations?


  1. The Maji took a cab?

  2. Could this be the start of the new Citi Camel sharing program?

  3. Yo! Thats my new sponsor Salami Sam Dim Sum!!! He keeps me outta wig shosps outta lobbies and outta da tombbs! Focused on my new rap career wizzles!!! THE NOTORIOUS B.Y.N.E.S. WORLD TOUR 2020! WORDD OMINATION!!!! #highonlife #vagazilinmypuss

  4. Ken from Ken's KitchenJuly 7, 2013 at 2:00 PM

    Apparently yes, Marty. 3rd Street seems to have been taken over by the camels. Passed one building where the entrance has been entirely blocked by them yesterday. What happens when there's a fire? When a resident comes home with a a heavy package? DOT is so over the hump. Kind of like the entitled camel riders.

  5. "DOT is so over the hump. Kind of like the entitled camel riders."

    Ha ha ha! The Entitled Camel Riders, great band name!

  6. I'd walk a mile for one of those

  7. I'd take camel crap over ShittyBikes any day!

  8. Gotta rock the two hump "sport model" heh heh heh


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