Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tonight: Union Square's first nighttime farmers market

From the EVG inbox...

Union Square Night Market and Birthday Party!
Union Square Greenmarket — 17th Street & Union Square West
Tonight, 4-8

Join us for this very special one-time event!

On Wednesday, July 17th, the Union Square Greenmarket turns 37 years old, and to celebrate we will have farmers selling their farm fresh produce, meats, and cheeses, while sharing a space with a curated roster of restaurants serving prepared foods.

Along with all of the delicious food served that evening, there will be programming for families, live music by The Blue Vipers of Brooklyn and Jude Roberts, as well as a Brooklyn Beer Bar Featuring Brooklyn Greenmarket Wheat served in the pavilion.

All of your favorite Wednesday Greenmarket farmers will be in attendance, along with these restaurants selling individual dishes, desserts and beverages:

Back Forty/Back Forty West
Brooklyn Brewery serving Greenmarket Wheat Beer
Chop't Salad
Monument Lane
P&H Soda
Rouge Tomate
The Fourth
Tocqueville Restaurant
Union Square Cafe

And you can go here to register for a pass where you get $1 off each dish or something.


  1. I remember many years ago attending a May Day rally at Union Square, where the "farmers" were all bitching and moaning that "these people" had taken "their park"! That's all.

  2. the Philosophical ZombieJuly 17, 2013 at 5:25 PM

    I'd really really like to, but it's a million degrees out!


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