Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week in Grieview

[Inside the Immaculate Conception gymnasium]

Injured East Village Farm and Grocery workers emerges from coma (Tuesday)

Vandalizing Citi Bikes (Tuesday)

Out and About Part 2 with Philip Giambri (Wednesday)

First Avenue Pierogi and Deli on vacation the rest of the summer (Monday)

Third Rail Coffee opens on East 10th Street (Tuesday)

Plans for the Odessa Cafe and Bar (Tuesday)

Honoring Ryan Gosling on Canada Day (Monday)

Rainbows and double rainbows (Wednesday)

Zoltar's new sidewalk mate (Friday)

Looking at new luxury homes on East 12th Street (Monday)

Noise notes outside Upright Citizens Brigade (Monday)

Citi Bikes docking station as an apartment amenity (Wednesday)

Happy birthday Debbie Harry (Monday)

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