Saturday, July 20, 2013

Workers remove rest of giant elm in Tompkins Square Park

Workers started cutting down a giant elm in Tompkins Square Park on Thursday... and now the tree near the entrance on Avenue B at East Ninth Street is gone...

[Bobby Williams]

Workers had said part of the tree was hollowed out and in danger of falling... and to show this, a portion of a hollowed-out limb remains...


  1. Q: When is the best time to plant a tree?

    A: 20 years ago.

  2. This is so sad, but at least this cutting seems to be for a valid reason. Unlike at three recent cuttings that did not seem to have any center rot at all.

  3. My parents have a tree in front of their house in Brooklyn where the roots are coming up under their house and damaging the foundation. They've tried everything to get permission to take the tree down, to no avail. They have been told they need to sue the city. My point is, NYC is VERY protective of its trees, and they don't take them down unless its absolutely necessary. RIP to the big fella.

  4. shit, the squirrels just lost their equivalent of the Palladium. nowhere to party now.


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