Friday, August 9, 2013

[Updated] 'Landlord Blues' tonight

Tonight at the MoRUS Film Fest...

"Landlord Blues" (1986) Directed by Jacob Burckhardt

This is a rare chance to see Landlord Blues on 16mm, as well as to see Jacob Burckhardt introduce the film in person.

The plot:

Sometimes in a modern city it's easier to beat a murder rap than it is to get a new lease. George (Mark Boone Junior) is trying to hold on to his modest bike shop despite the efforts of his slum landlord, Albert Streck (Richard Litt), to terminate his lease on a technicality and evict him. When Streck turns nasty, hiring first a lawyer and then even an arsonist, George turns to his friends, a street-wise crew of Lower East Side loyalists, for help in beating Streck at his own game.

The movie runs 90 minutes. Doors open at 7:30 pm at Orchard Alley, on the south side of 4th Street close to Avenue D. $5 (suggested) at the door. Show up early for a good seat (or feel free to bring your own seat or blanket). Refreshments will be served.

Find more details on the Film Fest here. Check the site for a change in venue in case of rain.


The film will be shown at MoRUS, 155 Avenue C between East Ninth Street and East 10th Street...

1 comment:

  1. The screening will be at MoRUS due to the general sogginess. Doors at 7:30pm, film at dusk. See you there!


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